New Hampshire Property Taxes


New Hampshire Tax Year

The tax year runs from April 1st of the current year, to March 31st of the following year. New Hampshire establishes new rates during the month of November.  Bills are then calculated and delivered to the property owners of record.  They are due one month from the statement date.

New Hampshire

Late payments are assessed interest at a rate of 12%. If a property has gone into “tax lien” status, it is assessed interest at 18%. Assessed values are determined, based on the value of the given property at April 1st of the given tax year. They are retroactive to that date.

New Hampshire Tax Schedule

B illing C yc l e Due Date P e r iod Co v e r e d A nnua l De c e m be r 1 A p r il 1 - M a rc h 3 1 S e m i -A nnua l J ul y 1 A p r il 1 - S ep t e m be r 3 0 De c e m be r 1 O c t obe r 1 - M a rc h 3 1 Q ua r t e r l y A p r il 1 J anua ry 1 - M a rc h 3 1 J ul y 1 A p r il 1 - J une 3 0 O c t obe r 3 1 J ul y 1 - S ep t e m be r 3 0 De c e m be r 3 1 O c t obe r 1 - De c e m be r 3 1

New Hampshire Taxes and New Construction

On new Construction, always ask the tax collector for the following information:

  • The most recent tax rate
  • The equalization figure, expressed as a percentage of the assessed value

The rate given by the tax collector will often be for raw land.  This amount must be paid in full, even if it is on the entire subdivision.  If it is not recognized as a separate lot by the Assessor’s office, it must confirmed that the parent lot is paid to date. It might otherwise pose title issue.

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